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Multi Million dollar funding for falls prevention

October 7, 2014

Otago Exercise Program to be part of Multi-million dollar effort to Prevent Falls The Otago Exercise Program, a fall prevention program delivered by physical therapists, is one of several evidence-based programs being promoted across 18 states as part of three major national funding initiatives through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Administration for Community … Read more

NC Medical Journal features CGEC work

September 26, 2014

The most recent issue of the NC Medical Journal highlights the NC Falls Prevention Coalition and the Otago Online Training Course.

CGEC experts speak at NCOA webinar

September 9, 2014

Tiffany Shubert PT PhD and Ellen Schneider MBA joined a team of national experts to improve how communities implement Falls Prevention Programs and reaching new audiences last month.

Otago online course serves over 1,000

April 29, 2014

The Otago online course offered through the Carolina Geriatric Education Center has reached the landmark of enrolling 1,000 students. PTs from every state except Arkansas, Louisiana and Wyoming have been trained. The course was recently certified for 2 CCu’s by The Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) through their ProCert portal and now … Read more

Over 20 states now recognize Otago online course

January 30, 2014

  The Texas chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association has approved the Carolina Geriatric Education Center’s online course Otago Exercise Program: Training for Physical Therapists. This 3 hour highly interactive self paced course provides PTs with all the tools they need to implement this evidence based falls intervention. With the Otago Exercise Program older … Read more