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Denisé Dews and Debby Givens representing the CGWEP at the 2024 NC Falls Conference

Falls are not a normal part of aging. Indeed, most falls are preventable. According to the North Carolina Division of Public Health, one in four older adults falls each year. Not only that, but these falls are the top cause of fatal injuries and the second leading cause of nonfatal injuries among adults falls.

Since 2010, the CGWEP has played an integral role in helping to reduce falls among older adults. Working with the NC Falls Prevention Coalition and local falls prevention coalitions throughout the state, the CGWEP uses education and training to reduce the number of falls, falls-related injuries, and seriousness of injuries resulting from falls.

Annual Falls Prevention Conference

Each year, the NC Falls Prevention Coalition holds its annual Falls Prevention Conference. This year’s event was held on April 25, 2024 at the Eastern Area Health Education Center (AHEC) in Greenville, NC. The year’s theme was ‘Steps to Age Well – Cultivating a Falls Prevention Culture Across the Lifespan.’

Each year, this event brings together leading experts, healthcare professionals, researchers, caregivers, and community members to explore innovative strategies and solutions to prevent falls. Representing the CGWEP a this year’s conference were Associate Director Denisé Dews and Debby Givens. In addition to having a booth at the event, Dews and Givens also attended various sessions on falls. Some of the topics discussed included the family’s role in preventing falls, best practices for provider-patient conversations, interventions to prevent/reduce falls in a nursing home setting, and others.

Learn more about the NC Falls Prevention Coalition.

See the CGWEP’s falls priorities.