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New Lab Publication in Molecular Psychiatry

December 15, 2020

Sarah Linnstaedt and collaborators publish a review article “Literature review and methodological considerations for understanding circulating risk biomarkers following trauma exposure” in Molecular Psychiatry (PMID: 31863020).

Linnstaedt Lab Awarded NINDS R01

September 13, 2020

The Linnstaedt Lab was awarded an R01 grant from the NINDS to study mechanisms, safety and efficacy of FKBP51 antagonism to prevent chronic pain.

Dr. Sarah Linnstaedt named a 2020 Rita Allen Pain Scholar

September 12, 2020

Dr. Sarah Linnstaedt received a 2020 Award in Pain grant from The Rita Allen Foundation, which provides a $150,000 three year grant to fund innovative research on critical topics related to the biological mechanisms of pain.

New Lab Publication in PAIN

January 5, 2020

Linnstaedt Lab members publish their article “MicroRNA-19b predicts widespread pain and posttraumatic stress symptom risk in a sex-dependent manner following trauma exposure” in PAIN (PMID: 31569141).