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First Annual Maxiner Pain Symposium

November 5, 2023

The Linnstaedt Lab attended the first annual Maxiner Symposium at Duke University where Lauren, Erica, Jacqueline, Liz, Simran, Meghna, Miranda, and Taanvii presented posters over their research.

Erica Receives Anesthesiology Research Award

September 9, 2023

Erica Branham competed for and received a Department of Anesthesiology Research award to fund one of her research projects focused on how stress exposure influences pain-associated DNA methylation.

New Lab Publication in Psychological Medicine

August 19, 2023

Linnstaedt Lab members Raphael, Tina and Leo publish their article “Derivation and validation of risk prediction for posttraumatic stress symptoms following trauma exposure” in Psychological Medicine (PMID: 35775366).