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Pi Day Pie Party

Third Floor GMB lobby

Dear BCBP Department, We are excited to announce our upcoming Pi Day celebration on March 14th @ 12:30pm on the 3rd floor GMB Atrium! To make this day more fun and delicious, we would like to invite you to bring a pie to share. Whether it's a classic pie or a creative twist on a favorite recipe, we … Read more

Event Series Faculty poster session

Faculty poster session

UNC GMB Atrium

Attention BCBP Faculty, I am co-organizing activities for our two upcoming BBSP recruitment weekends for students focused on Genetics, Biology, and Biochemistry (March 9-11 and 16-18). These students have already been accepted, so the focus is on convincing them to accept the offers for admission – no evaluations are necessary. I am soliciting volunteers for the following activities: Faculty … Read more

Event Series Faculty poster session

Faculty poster session

Attention BCBP Faculty, I am co-organizing activities for our two upcoming BBSP recruitment weekends for students focused on Genetics, Biology, and Biochemistry (March 9-11 and 16-18). These students have already been accepted, so the focus is on convincing them to accept the offers for admission – no evaluations are necessary. I am soliciting volunteers for the following activities: Faculty … Read more

Event Series BBSP admissions GMB lawn social

BBSP admissions GMB lawn social

GMB Lawn

Attention students: We are looking for MCBP students to attend socials on the GMB lawn for admissions events. We would like to have a small group of students at each social to be available to talk to prospective students. There are 190 prospective students registered for the campus visits. Please reply if you are able … Read more

Seminar: Oleta Johnson PhD (UC-SF)

1131 Bioinformatics 130 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Talk title" "Leveraging Dynamic Properties to Understand Protein (Dys)function in Disease" Host: Jean Cook Oleta Johnson PhD, Postdoctoral scholar, Inst. of Neurodegenerative Diseases  

BCBP Seminar: Wade Zeno, PhD (University of Southern California)

1131 Bioinformatics 130 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Wade Zeno, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California Host: Rick Baker Title: “Dynamic and Equilibrium Interactions between Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and Membrane Surfaces”

Ping Pong Championship

Hi Everyone,This is a reminder that we will be having the championship round today from 3-5 pm.Below are the matches being played:Championship Round: Match 1: Dalia vs Nick Match 2: Winner of vs Thanh Match 3: Ike vs Yani Match 4: Winner of vs Enes Match 5: Championship: Winner of Match 2 vs Winner of … Read more