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BCBP Student Seminar Series

BCBP Student Seminar Series FOR STUDENTS ONLY. PI’s are not expected to attend. Adil Muneer and Rodney Park will give presentations.

BCBP Admin Meeting

Zoom online meeting

The administrative meeting led by Lynn Ray. Only administrative staff are required to attend. These meetings will be held regularly throughout the work from home months.

Seminar: Neil King, PhD (UW)

Title: “Computational Design of Protein-based Nanomaterials for Medical Applications” Speaker: Neil King, PhD Assistant Professor, Institute for Protein Design University of Washington Neil is at the Protein Design Institute at the University of Washington and has done some beautiful work designing proteins that self-assemble into multi-subunit protein cages.  They are using these for a variety … Read more

BCBP graduate student town hall

Zoom online meeting

Topic: BCBP graduate student town hall Time: Apr 22, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) For the Zoom Meeting ID and password contact Jamie or see your email dated 4/17.

Topics released for written (comprehensive) exam

Important announcements, especially for new students joining BCBP: The dates for the written (comprehensive) exam for this year are: - topics released on April 27th - exam released on May 18th - exam due May 25th These dates are earlier than in previous years. The idea behind having the exam in May instead of June … Read more

BCBP First Year Student Talks

Zoom online meeting

BCBP graduate student talks will be held on  Tuesday, April 28 beginning at 11:00 AM. Contact Jamie for the Zoom Meeting details. Abigail Ballard, Bergmeier lab, BC “4-D Imaging of Hemostatic Plug Formation” Matt Begley, Baker lab, BC "Analysis of Microtubule Binding Proteins via Cryo-EM" Brandy Curtis, Gladfelter lab, BC “An investigation of plastic degradation … Read more