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Virtual Social Circle by The Graduate School

Zoom online meeting

Virtual Social Circle on April 2 at 3:30-4:30 pm by the Graduate School Student Wellness: Social Connection in Times of Physical Distancing Graduate students please see your email from the Graduate school. There will be additional Social Circles in weeks to come.

Student Town Hall (Zoom)

Zoom online meeting

Student Town Hall led by Adam Luthman. BCBP students only town hall meeting. Agenda: summarize the work the Grad Student senate did this year to improve lives of grad and professional students on campus. See Adam's email for agenda, details, link to online meeting.  

VCR hosts Faculty meetings on Mondays 3pm

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research COVID-19 Q&A for faculty 3 p.m., Webinar, Recurring weekly event on Mondays Onyen login is required for the Zoom video. All participants will be muted, so please submit any questions you have in advance to If time allows, additional questions may be submitted on the Zoom chat. Researchers are … Read more

Student Thesis Defense: Jared Baisden (Zoom)

Defense title, “Probing Excited Conformational States Involved in microRNA Biogenesis.” Seminar is based on the doctoral dissertation of Jared Baisden under the direction of Dr. Qi Zhang. This event will be broadcast via Zoom. Link will be provided through UNC Biochemistry and Biophysics emails. Contact  for meeting link and password.

UNC Holiday

Offices Closed UNC Leave & Holiday schedule link below.

Student Thesis Defense: Hashem Meriesh (Zoom)

Zoom online meeting

UNC Biochemistry and Biophysics Student Defense Student Thesis Defense: Hashem Meriesh (Zoom) “Elucidating the Function of the Histone H4 Basic Patch in SAGA-mediated Hiistone H2B Deubiquitination and Histone Acetylation”” Seminar is based on the doctoral dissertation of Hashem Meriesh under the direction of Brian Strahl. This event will be broadcast via Zoom. Link will be … Read more

Research in Progress Seminar: Aleksandra Skrajna, PhD (Zoom)

Aleksandra Skrajna, PhD ACS Postdoctoral Fellow, McGinty Lab Eshelman School of Pharmacy Seminar Title: “Deciphering the Nucleosome Interactome” This seminar will be hosted on Zoom. For details check your email or contact our seminar coordinator for meeting link and password. Link to McGinty lab website  

BCBP Student Seminar Series

BCBP Student Seminar Series FOR STUDENTS ONLY. PI’s are not expected to attend. Adil Muneer and Rodney Park will give presentations.

BCBP Admin Meeting

Zoom online meeting

The administrative meeting led by Lynn Ray. Only administrative staff are required to attend. These meetings will be held regularly throughout the work from home months.

Seminar: Neil King, PhD (UW)

Title: “Computational Design of Protein-based Nanomaterials for Medical Applications” Speaker: Neil King, PhD Assistant Professor, Institute for Protein Design University of Washington Neil is at the Protein Design Institute at the University of Washington and has done some beautiful work designing proteins that self-assemble into multi-subunit protein cages.  They are using these for a variety … Read more