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Mark Kowalewski
Mark Kowalewski, graduate student in Redinbo Lab

Congratulations to graduate student Mark Kowalewski in Redinbo Lab who passed his oral qualifying exam this week! 

Mark Kowalewski is a UNC graduate student in the Molecular & Cellular Biophysics Program.

He is from Belmont, North Carolina, and received his BS in Chemistry from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As an undergraduate, Mark worked in the Dingemans lab studying high performance polymers. Following graduation, Mark worked for a small biotechnology company in Durham where he gained experience in drug discovery and development. Currently, Mark is a graduate student in the Biochemistry and Biophysics department following the Molecular & Cellular Biophysics track. Mark is interested in using structural biology to guide drug design. Outside of lab, Mark enjoys watching and obsessing over UNC sports and playing video games.

UNC Molecular & Cellular Biophysics Program website 

Redinbo lab examines the molecular basis for human diseases and seek to discover new treatments focused on human and microbial targets. Their work extends from atomic-level studies using structural biology, through chemical biology efforts to identify new therapeutic candidates, and into cellular, animal and clinical investigations. They are currently focused on a wide variety of protein targets from human gut microbiome as well as on Lyme Disease.

Redinbo Lab website