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The 22nd Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research on May 3, 2021 from 2 to 5 p.m. is a big day for UNC students, researchers, and people who love UNC students and researchers!
Four students in biochemistry and biophysics lab present their research with posters and presentations also available online. The event will be virtual this year using Symposium, an online platform that facilitates synchronous and asynchronous interactions.
Emily “Gracie” Clark, Bergmeier lab, “Implication of RAPGEF2 in a Novel PKC-Mediated Pathway of Platelet RAP1 Activation”

Emily Gracie Clark

Claire Chang, Jiang lab, “Targeting HIV Transcriptional Machinery for a Functional Cure of HIV”

Claire Chang 2021

Paloma Ruiz, Strahl lab, “PBRM1 BAH domains in gene regulation and cell biology”

paloma ruiz

Zijian Li, Campbell lab, “Characterization of a Novel Function of Gαi as an Intracellular pH Sensor”

Zijian Li

22nd Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research website:

2021 Celebration of Undergraduate Research: Asynchronous Presentations Available – check out the archives we have available online.

Zijian Li gave a live presentation at 2 p.m. during session 1c: Chemistry and Biochemistry. All four of our presenters uploaded their posters and/or mini-talks on a poster website hosted by If you missed the presentations on Monday May 3 try to visit the poster website as these presentations should still be accessible the first week of May.

For archives from 2020. Click link website below.

The 21st Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research was held as an online Virtual Celebration of Undergraduate Research in April 2020. The nearly 100 abstracts and posters that were shared can be found