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Steven Grover, PhD received the 2024 Kenneth M. Brinkhous Early Career Investigator Prize in Thrombosis at the American Heart Association Vascular Discovery meeting.

At the meeting Dr. Grover presented his groups recent research on the role of plasma kallikrein as a key driver of coagulation under conditions of C1-inhibitor deficiency.

The Kenneth M. Brinkhous Prize recognizes outstanding endeavors by new investigators in fundamental and applied research in thrombosis including the mechanism, detection, treatment, and prevention of thrombotic disorders.

The award is named in honor of Dr. Brinkhous, a former professor and chair of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UNC Chapel Hill. Dr. Brinkhous established a coagulation research program at UNC Chapel Hill making seminal contributions to the field including defining the molecular underpinning of hemophilia and the development of the partial thromboplastin time assay.