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Abigail Ballard-Kordeliski, Robert H. Lee, Ellen Clelia O’Shaughnessy, Paul Y. Kim, Summer R Jones, Rafal Pawlinski, Matthew J. Flick, David S. Paul, Nigel Mackman, David Adalsteinsson, Wolfgang Bergmeier all of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill had their research published in the journal Blood.


Title: “4D intravital imaging identifies platelets as the predominant cellular procoagulant surface in a mouse hemostasis model”


Abstract: Interplay between platelets, coagulation factors, endothelial cells (ECs) and fibrinolytic factors is necessary for effective hemostatic plug formation. This study describes a four-dimensional (4D) imaging platform to visualize and quantify hemostatic plug components in mice with high spatiotemporal resolution. Fibrin accumulation following laser-induced vascular injury was observed at the platelet plug-EC interface, controlled by the antagonistic balance between fibrin generation and breakdown. We observed less fibrin accumulation in mice expressing low levels of tissue factor (TFlow) or F12-/- mice compared to controls, whereas increased fibrin accumulation, including on the vasculature adjacent to the platelet plug, was observed in plasminogen-deficient mice or wild-type mice treated with tranexamic acid (TXA). Phosphatidylserine (PS), a membrane lipid critical for the assembly of coagulation factors, was first detected at the platelet plug-EC interface, followed by exposure across the endothelium. Impaired PS exposure resulted in a significant reduction in fibrin accumulation in cyclophilin D-/- mice. Adoptive transfer studies demonstrated a key role for PS exposure on platelets, and to a lesser degree on ECs, in fibrin accumulation during hemostatic plug formation. Together, these studies suggest that (1) platelets are the functionally dominant procoagulant cellular surface, and (2) plasmin is critical for limiting fibrin accumulation at the site of a forming hemostatic plug.


See more here: 4D intravital imaging identifies platelets as the predominant cellular procoagulant surface in a mouse hemostasis model | Blood | American Society of Hematology (