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A manuscript entitled “Disease severity drives thrombosis risk in women with sickle cell disease in a single-center retrospective study” was recently accepted in Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasias. The research was initiated by Jennifer Light, MD, during her fellowship in the UNC Pediatrics Division of Hematology and Oncology. She performed her basic research with Erica Sparkenbaugh, PhD and clinical research with Jacqueline Baskin-Miller, MD. Dr. Light is now an Assistant Professor at University of Illinois Peoria. Other UNC BRC members involved in the research were Christina Abrams, MD, a former fellow and now Assistant Professor at Medical University of South Carolina, and Anton Ilich, PhD.


Read more here: Disease severity drives risk of venous thrombotic events in women with sickle cell disease in a single-center retrospective study. – Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (