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February 21, 2021

Steven Grover, PhD awarded a Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Editors’ Award

Congratulations to Steven Grover, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Nigel Mackman, PhD, who has been awarded a Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Editors Award for his recent publication “Model‐dependent contributions of FXII and FXI to venous thrombosis in mice”. The award consists of a certificate, to be presented at the JTH Editors Luncheon held at the ISTH Congress, …

December 16, 2020

Research findings of Stephan Moll, MD and Luis Malpica, MD educational session during ASH

Improving Immunizations in Patients with Non-Malignant Hematological Disorders Receiving Immunosuppressive Therapy article Based on research findings of Drs. Malpica and Moll Read article, ASH invited Dr. Moll to moderate and Dr. Malpic to present at an  education session on “Preventing Infections when treating non-malignant hematology disorders” at the annual ASH meeting on Dec 7, 2020. …

Maria Aleman

December 15, 2020


Research in the Aleman Lab is centered on basic mechanisms regulating erythropoiesis in health and disease. Differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells down the erythroid track requires coordinated gene expression, including RNA regulation, and accumulation of iron for hemoglobin production. Our current work focuses on a family of bifunctional proteins (poly C binding proteins) which both regulate RNA processing and chaperone iron within cells. Using biochemical, cellular, and in vivo models we explore the cross talk between iron trafficking and RNA regulation mediated by poly C binding proteins and how these activities are modulated by disease.