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National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day

September 17, 2019

Due to the success of antiretroviral therapies and public health initiatives, people with HIV are living longer than ever before. The life expectancy of a virally-suppressed person with HIV is increasingly similar to that of the general population.1,2 Nearly half of the 1.1 million Americans living with HIV are 50 years of age or older,3 and soon, older adults will make up an even greater proportion of the HIV-positive population.4 With this success comes new challenges in HIV care, as older adults are at an increased risk of developing comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers, as well as complex needs related to elder care.5

Established in 2018, the HIV, Aging, and Comorbidities Scientific Interest Group (HAC-SIG) at UNC emerged in response to the growing need for research on the unique challenges of aging for people living with HIV. The HAC-SIG is comprised of an interdisciplinary team of HIV researchers and healthcare providers who are committed to improving health outcomes among older adults living with HIV. HAC-SIG discusses the latest research in HIV and aging, brainstorms innovative intervention and treatment approaches, and fosters collaboration among investigators who are pursuing research in this area.


To learn more about HAC-SIG, contact Dr. Michelle Floris-Moore ( and Dr. Prema Menezes (


September 17, 2019