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Bonnie Shook-Sa, DrPH – UNC Center for AIDS Research

Bonnie Shook-Sa, DrPH

Assistant Director, Biostatistics Core

Contact Information


3103B McGavran-Greenberg Hall
Chapel Hill, NC

Bonnie Shook-Sa, DrPH

Assistant Director, Biostatistics Core


Dr. Bonnie Shook-Sa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics. She has over 14 years of experience in collaborative public health research and statistical methods development with over 40 peer-reviewed publications. Her research focuses on survey sampling and causal inference methods and their applications to HIV research. Dr. Shook-Sa is the instructor for the graduate-level Sample Survey Methodology course in the Department of Biostatistics at UNC and is a member of a Causal Inference Research Group (CIRG). Her statistical experience includes study design, sampling frame development and evaluation, statistical analysis plan development, and complex modeling.