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Tia Morgan, MSC – UNC Center for AIDS Research

Tia Morgan, MSC

Clinical Research Screener, Clinical Core

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Tia Morgan, MSC

Clinical Research Screener, Clinical Core


Tia Maree’ Morgan recently completed her second Masters of Science focused on HPV from the Microbiology and Immunology Department at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Prior to UNC-CH She received her B. S. -Biology from Shaw University in 2011 and a Masters of Science (Studied Neisseria Gonorrhoeae) from North Carolina Central University in 2014. Through her journey she has learned 3 things 1) Go after what you want no matter how bumpy the road is, 2) Things do not always go as planned, but in everything there is a lesson. Take perspective and keep moving forward, and 3) Dreams or goals change or develop further. Go with it. It doesn’t mean you are giving up, just means your growing and changing. She aspires of opening a specialized community and health center. Outside of work she does photography, music, and giving back to the community. She has a zest and passion to understand infectious diseases and help those most affected. She is excited to be a part of an amazing team and have the opportunity to begin her clinical research journey.