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CGIBD Research Seminar – “Characterizing the colonic and ileal mucosal bacterial community in Crohn’s disease ” by Terry Furey, PhD

Marsico Hall 2004

“Characterizing the colonic and ileal mucosal bacterial community in Crohn’s disease ” Terry Furey, PhD Associate Professor Department of Genetics and the Department of Biology The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The Furey lab is interested in understanding IBD heterogeneity at the     molecular and microbial levels. We use high throughput sequencing-based genomic assays … Read more

CGIBD Research Seminar – “Overcoming an immunological backlash from modern sanitation practices: The return of the intestinal worm ” by William Parker, PhD

Marsico Hall 2004

“Overcoming an immunological backlash from modern sanitation practices: The return of the intestinal worm ”  William Parker, PhD Associate Professor in Surgery Duke University Medical Center Dr. Parker has studied biochemistry and immunology at Duke University since 1993. He is best known for the discovery of the function of the human vermiform appendix (a safe-house for … Read more

CGIBD Epi Conference – “Is it important to improve the Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines?” by David Ransohoff, MD

Bioinformatics 4137 130 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

“Is it important to improve the Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines?  Evolution of—and lessons from CRC screening guidelines”  David Ransohoff, MD Professor of Medicine Department of Medicine, GI Division The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  

CGIBD Research Seminar – “The Gut Microbiome Regulates Mucosal and Systemic Inflammation in IBD ” by Randy Longman, MD, PhD

Marsico Hall 2004

“The Gut Microbiome Regulates Mucosal and Systemic Inflammation in IBD ”  Randy Longman, MD PhD Assistant Professor Department of Medicine Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Weill Cornell Medical Center Dr. Randy Longman is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and a member of the Jill Roberts Center and Institute for Research in Inflammatory … Read more