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Enjoying the Whirlwind: Congratulations to the New Dr. Erika Redding

July 10, 2024

May is an important time of year for all Tar Heels. For many, it means graduation and a close to their time at Carolina. For others, it still means graduation, but their Carolina adventure continues. This is especially true for staff and faculty who work while finishing a degree. Our colleague Erika Redding is in … Read more

Diving Into Research: Meet Aditi Yerra

July 10, 2024

At CHER, we welcome team members from all stages of their career. From undergrads to faculty members, researchers go through a lot of steps. When we have the opportunity to support a young researcher, we take our responsibility seriously. We also love to see the future starting right in front of us. One of our … Read more

Tara Carr, Doing Professional Excellence the Carolina Way

June 26, 2024

Each year, the Employee Forum awards Peer Recognition Awards in eight categories. Last year, we were thrilled when Michelle Song won a Professional Excellence award. That thrill is definitely not gone, because this year, Tara Carr is also being awarded for professional excellence. Carr is a Research Program Manager with Abacus Evaluation – the same … Read more

Looking Back, Looking Ahead as New IDEAS Project Closes

June 19, 2024

When a researcher or a center starts work on a project, there’s often a lot of attention on the new work. Stories might talk about grants or project goals or spotlight researchers and staff. When a project is ending, though, there’s often less attention. It’s not as common to see stories about a study or … Read more

“Getting the best of both worlds”: Meet Ania Wellere

June 4, 2024

  CHER is an interdisciplinary center. We love the range of experiences and expertise in our team. Some team members focus on community outreach. Others support grant writing. In Abacus, we have a fantastic team of evaluators who do everything from survey creation to deep dives into data analytics. That’s a lot of worlds working … Read more

Engagement, Impact and Tar Heel Sports: Meet Alexy Hernandez

May 22, 2024

Engagement is at the core of what we do at CHER. And that includes bringing in new team members with new experience and expertise. Alexy Hernandez joins us with engagement at the core of her new role. And, when she’s not working toward better healthcare for all, she’s cheering on Tar Heels. Look for her … Read more

Hooking into CHER, Amplifying Voices: Meet Kristen Witkemper

May 22, 2024

  When we hire someone new, we’re always hoping we made a good pick. So, we’re excited to have hooked Kristen Witkemper onto our team! In addition to starting with us, she has (guitar) picks and (crochet) hooks, too. They’re part of how she spends her down time. She’s not just new to CHER, either. … Read more

SOM Professional Development Grants Help CHER Colleagues Grow

May 1, 2024

by Abby Arcuri The UNC School of Medicine awards grants to support professional development among its employees. Recently, many people from CHER were awarded these grants. To support the professional development of its employees, the UNC School of Medicine awards grants. These grants invest in the employees’ talent and prosper growth. Some of CHER’s employees … Read more

Professional Development Grant: Veena Reddy

May 1, 2024

by Abby Arcuri Recently, Veena Reddy was awarded a Staff Professional Development Grant Award from the UNC School of Medicine. Reddy was awarded the grant on account of her work on the Collaborate and Leverage Evidence in African American Rural Network (Co-LEARN) Project. Co-LEARN focuses on reducing rural North Carolina’s cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden. This … Read more

Professional Development Grant: Shikira Flounory

May 1, 2024

by Abby Arcuri One CHER employee awarded a professional development grant is Shikira Flounory. She is a research program manager who works on the New IDEAS Project. Flounory is also part of CHER’s leadership team. With the grant, Flounory will be attending the Technology of Participation (ToP) Facilitation Methods Course. The workshop aims to give … Read more