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October 2017 Update

October 19, 2017

In addition to our regular CRI Activities Update, this month’s Research Focus highlights collaborative work from the team led by Wesley Burks, MD, Executive Dean for the UNC School of Medicine and Curnen Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics. Activities Update: We have been working with the Medical Foundation to develop our CRI website and we are … Read more

September 2017 Update

September 19, 2017

In addition to our regular CRI Activities Update, this month’s Research Focus highlights collaborative work from the team led by Michelle Hernandez, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, UNC Children’s, Associate Medical Director, N.C. Children’s Allergy & Asthma Center. Activities Update: This month we formed the Pediatric Scholars Program (PSP), a new pediatric Junior Faculty working … Read more

A personal mission in the battle against superbugs

August 19, 2017

For parents, it’s hard to imagine a scarier scenario than a child with an illness that won’t respond to medicine. So when a parent reads news reports about an increase in infections from “superbugs” – bacteria that have evolved to resist antibiotics – it’s easy to understand why a simple earache may have parents fearing … Read more

August 2017 Update

August 19, 2017

In addition to our regular CRI Activities Update, this month’s Research Focus highlights collaborative work from the team of Mike O’Shea, MD, MPH, Chief of the Division of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine and Rebecca Fry, Ph.D. Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering. Activities Update: This past month, Kevin Kelly, MD, Toni Darville, MD, Leslie Nelson, and … Read more

June 2017 Update

June 19, 2017

This issue includes updates on CRI activities, as well as the first in what will be a regularly occurring focus on a pediatric researcher, highlighting the many connections we have throughout the university to build upon in our Children’s Research Institute (CRI). Activities Update: On June 2, we shared our CRI vision and needs for … Read more