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New UNC Core Facility Staff Recognition Program opens today for nominations!

April 4, 2022

The Office of Research Technologies is excited to announce the launch of our new Staff Recognition Program to recognize the value and importance of the staff in our biomedical research core facilities.  This program will offer up to three awards each fall and spring acknowledging the efforts and contributions of SHRA and EHRA non-faculty staff members in … Read more

Summer Session Maker Technologies for Everyone

March 25, 2022

Have you wished you (or your staff) had more experience in Maker-Space technologies like electronics, 3D-printing, and software programing? The Applied Physical Sciences department has developed a summer series to help you learn to put these technologies to use in your lab!   Enhance your electronics and design skills AND support your research needs! Maker Technologies … Read more

It’s Here! Core Facilities Digital and Downloadable Viewbook!

March 22, 2022

Use our digital magazine or download the PDF to browse the core facilities at UNC at your convenience.  Unsure how core facilities operate or what is available at UNC to accelerate your research? Curious about the best practices for working with the core facilities on campus?   Check out the magazine!   

Purchasing guidelines added to Resources for Cores

March 11, 2022

Purchasing equipment at UNC is necessary administrative process. However, some purchases require the completion of additional forms, including sole source or brand-specific justification or data protection checklists through ITS. Incorrect completion of these forms can result in significant delays during the purchasing workflow. Specific advice and information provided by UNC’s Purchasing Team has been added … Read more

UNC CH Researchers Hot Rod an Electron Microscope!

February 2, 2022

Dr. Jonathan Fay, in collaboration with Jared Peck and Dr. Joshua Strauss of the UNC CH CryoEM Core, published a method paper in ICUrJ (International Union of Crystallography Journal) outlining their success in optimizing the function of a microscope for cryogenic electron microscopy (CryoEM). CryoEM is an imaging technique that yields 3D structures of large … Read more