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Introduction to Workshop

Mary Ellen Jones Room 3116

Introduction to Tuesday, May 23 at 11:00 am in Room 3116 MEJ Presented by Gabriel Gasque, PhD Research papers and protocol organization in labs often lack detailed instructions for repeating experiments. is an open-access platform for researchers to collaboratively create step-by-step, interactive and dynamic protocols that can be run on mobile or web. Researchers can share protocols with colleagues, collaborators, … Read more

Core Facility Staff Workshops: Bench to Bedside: Translating Academic Research Into Commercial Products (Intellectual Property and Reports of Invention for Core Facilities)

Genetic Medicine Building (GMB), Room 5007

These events are intended for the directors, staff, and other core facility stakeholders at UNC Chapel Hill.   Bench to Bedside: Translating Academic Research Into Commercial Products (Intellectual Property and Reports of Invention for Core Facilities)   Presenter: Dr. Kelly Parsons, Innovate Carolina Join Dr. Kelly Parsons from Innovate Carolina's Department of Technology Commercialization to … Read more

Cost-Share and Matching Fund Request Submission Deadline

If you are asking CFAC for cost-sharing towards an instrument purchase or matching fund requests for grant submissions, you MUST submit your request using our online form:   Funding decisions and awards will be discussed and finalized at the CFAC meeting following each submission deadline.   For assistance or advice in filling out this … Read more

UNC Core Facilities Workshop: Green Initiatives for Core Facilities

Mary Ellen Jones 3112 and zoom

Core facilities are often high-throughput users of lab consumables and high-energy usage equipment. Come learn about lab sustainability initiatives at UNC Chapel Hill and how they can help your lab reach a more sustainable status. Learn about: - What is allowed to go in recycling? What is not? What even happens to the recycling anyway? - … Read more

MAD SSCi Conference

Friday Center

The MidAtlantic Directors and Staff of Scientific Cores (MAD SSCi), the regional chapter of the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities, will be hosted at UNC Chapel Hill in the Friday Center August 9-11, 2023.

OSP Research Core Development Team Office Hours for Tableau Reporting

Questions about the new Tableau financial reporting tool? The Research Core Development Team is hosting open office hours on zoom on:   8/16/23 11 am - 12 pm   To RSVP and obtain the zoom link or for any questions please contact  

Core Director Surveys Due

The CFAC Core Director Survey is due Thursday September 7th.   Please note that submission of this survey is required for cores who plan on applying for CFAC funding this fiscal year.   Surveys are due at 11:59 pm  

Core Director’s Meeting

Come for lunch and stay for the updates! Core directors and managers are invited to attend. The meeting will feature relevant topics and information for core administration and guest speakers discussing grant mechanisms and support at UNC and the UNC Kickstarter program.   The event will be held in MBRB 2204.

CFAC Fall RFA Submissions Due

All general, method development, and equipment applications are due. Please contact with questions