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The ENT Allergy Clinic provides testing and treatment for environmental allergies. This includes grasses, trees, weeds, molds, cats, dogs, dust mites, and horses. These are common allergens that are airborne and inhaled.






Allergy Testing

There are 2 types of testing we offer which include skin testing and blood work.

Skin testing may require you to stop certain medications prior to your appointment.  Our staff will review your medications and make recommendations regarding ones that may need to be stopped prior to your appointment.  The allergy skin testing will be done on your forearms and possibly on your upper arms.  This appointment will take approximately 1 ½ hours. You will know what you are allergic to after your testing has been completed.


Blood work for allergy testing can also be an option. This does not require you to stop any medications. We can place orders for you to have your blood drawn at any UNC affiliated lab. The results should be available in 7-10 days. Once the results are available we will contact you to review the results and discuss possible treatment options.


Allergy Treatments

Our treatments for environmental allergies include allergy injections or drops which you administer at home under your tongue. With both therapies, there is a build-up phase and a maintenance phase. The time it requires to achieve maintenance can vary depending on which type of treatment you choose. Allergy therapy requires several years of treatment in order to be effective.

Loytoa preparing shot

Allergy injections (also known as SCIT/subcutaneous immunotherapy) are given in our clinic. This requires coming each week initially and staying for 20 minutes so we can observe you for any reactions after receiving your injection. Once you reach your maintenance dose you are not required to stay. Our clinic staff will review the allergy injection procedure with you prior to starting your injections.


Allergy drops (also known as SLIT/sublingual immunotherapy) are administered at home under your tongue.  We will teach you how to administer the drops in our clinic. You will take the drops home and call us to reorder when you have finished with your build-up vials. This build-up phase of therapy is much faster than with allergy injections. You will reach your maintenance dose in 12 weeks as opposed to injections which can take a longer period of time. Insurance companies do not pay for allergy drops. We do have a Financial Counselor who can assist you if needed.

Allergy drops lined up with Lisa's hand in frame


In order to be seen in our Allergy Clinic you will first need to see one of our ENT Rhinology providers who will make the referral to our clinic.  If you need to be scheduled with one of our ENT Rhinology providers you can call 984-974-6485.  If you are already seen by one of our ENT providers you can contact them directly about an appointment for allergy testing and possible treatment.