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New Study Shows Race, Neighborhood, Income Affect Availability of Single Cigarettes

November 3, 2015

A new study from the UNC Family Medicine Tobacco Prevention and Evaluation Program (TPEP) finds that where an individual lives may impact their access to cheap or improperly marketed tobacco. Published in the Center for Disease Control’s Preventing Chronic Disease journal, the study by Joseph G.L. Lee, PhD, MPH; Hannah M Baker, MPH; Leah M. … Read more

Shaken baby prevention effort reduces crying-related calls to nurse advice line

October 26, 2015

The study found no reduction in state-level rates of abusive head trauma (AHT) or “shaken baby syndrome.” Dr. Adam Zolotor from UNC Family Medicine is lead author of the article published on October 26, 2015 in JAMA Pediatrics. A new evaluation of a statewide shaken baby prevention effort found that the number of calls to … Read more

UNC Family Medicine Part of Collaborative Receiving Large Award to Reduce Health Disparities in Rural South

September 28, 2015

Researchers from UNC Family Medicine, in partnership with researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and East Carolina University, were awarded more than $9 million to study ways to improve blood pressure in the rural south. Minorities, low-income individuals, and those living in rural areas suffer more than others from health problems associated … Read more

Lana Simons: Proud of her Accomplishment

September 3, 2015

Lana Simons, a Chapel Hill Transit employee, has been tobacco free for 2½ years! She says it’s a “nicer way to live,” not having cigarettes as part of her life, and she is proud of herself for doing it.

UNC Family Medicine is a national leader in patient-centered care

July 27, 2015

There is universal consensus that patients need to be engaged with their care. In 2012, UNC Family Medicine created a Patient Advisory Council to put this idea into practice. A recently published case study demonstrates the extensive Patient Advisory Council engagement with the operations of a patient-centered medical home.

Dr. Adam Zolotor talks with WUNC about the state of rural health in NC

July 24, 2015

People who live in rural North Carolina are still more likely to suffer from serious health problems than their urban counterparts. Rural counties show higher rates of heart disease and obesity, and rural residents have a lower life expectancy. Frank Stasio from WUNC’s the State of Things discussed the state of rural health in NC with UNC Family Medicine physician Dr. Adam Zolotor.

Howard Sutton–Poet in Motion

July 20, 2015

Howard Sutton, clinical support technician in the Department of Anesthesia, enrolled in the Tobacco Free Tar Heels program three years ago. Today he is tobacco free. When Howard Sutton enrolled in the Tobacco Free Tar Heels (TFTH) program three years ago, stress in his life seemed to be the biggest barrier to quitting smoking. After trying different strategies for dealing with stress, he always found himself turning back to smoking for relief.

Daaleman selected to serve on PCORI’s Advisory Panel on Improving Healthcare Systems

April 28, 2015

Timothy Daaleman, DO MPH, Vice Chair of the Department of Family Medicine, has been selected by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to serve as a member of its National Advisory Panel on Improving Healthcare Systems. Daaleman will join other members of the national panel in applying his experience and expertise to helping PCORI refine … Read more

Rebecca Langham: Smoke free means a lot more free time

April 9, 2015

When nursing assistant Rebecca Langham enrolled in UNC Health Care System’s Tobacco Free Tar Heels (TFTH) program, she had been smoking a pack of cigarettes daily since she was 16 years old. Today, thanks to TFTH and her own personal dedication, she’s tobacco free.

Zolotor Named President of Institute of Medicine

March 30, 2015

UNC Family Medicine physician, Dr. Adam Zolotor, has been selected to lead the North Carolina Institute of Medicine. The Institute fosters its research, review and educational functions through collaborative efforts with established centers and agencies within NC, drawing on the expertise of the major universities, governmental units, and the private sector.

Patients who smoke ask to be treated with respect

February 19, 2015

What is it like to be someone who smokes in today’s increasingly smoke-free world? How can providers best interact with their patients who smoke and support their efforts to become tobacco-free? A new study by researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC) Department of Family Medicine and the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center represents … Read more