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November 14, 2019

Preventive Medicine Resident (and School of Cardiology Fellow) Sameer Arora is leading a study reviewing hospitalizations for a certain type of heart attack in two hospitals in northern India. This is the first prospective cohort study of this magnitude in the region and is already providing unique data about opportunities to improve STEMI management in … Read more

Ashkin serves as co-guest editor for November issue of NCMJ

November 7, 2019

Evan Ashkin, MD, founder of the Formerly Incarcerated Transition (FIT) Program, has three articles published in the current issue of the North Carolina Medical Journal, all of which center on health and the criminal justice system.

E-cigarette flavors decrease perception of harm among youth

October 25, 2019

Led by UNC Family Medicine and UNC Lineberger researchers, a systematic review of scientific literature revealed the role flavored e-cigarettes have on product preference, appeal, harm perceptions, willingness to use, and initiation among youth.

Mark Gwynne, DO – Class of 2011

July 26, 2019

Dr. Mark Gwynne, Fellowship Class of 2011, was named President of UNC Health Alliance and UNC Senior Alliance.  UNC Health Alliance is an integrated network of dedicated clinicians collaborating to optimize the health of North Carolina’s residents, transform the care experience for patients and providers, and manage the total costs of health care. UNC Senior … Read more

Researchers find correlation between vaping cannabis and other tobacco use

June 27, 2019

Researchers at UNC School of Medicine found almost one in ten North Carolina adolescents reported ever vaping cannabis or marijuana. The researchers also found strong associations between the use of certain types of tobacco products and the use of e-cigarette devices to vape cannabis.