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Carolyn is a Senior Coordinator in the ClinGen-affiliated UNC Biocuration and Coordination Core. She has taken a circuitous path to the clinical genomics field, earning first her undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering (Lafayette College), followed by two Master’s degrees: one in mechanical engineering (Purdue University) and the second in biomedical engineering (UNC-Chapel Hill, jointly conferred with NC State).

She offers a perspective on the bench-to-bedside spectrum that encompasses product development and post-market surveillance in the medical device industry as well as pre-clinical and clinical research support. Now, Carolyn coordinates various Working Groups and Expert Panels within ClinGen’s gene-disease validity framework.

Her life beyond working in the Berg Lab includes enjoying family time and a cup of Counter Culture Coffee, discovering live music in the Triangle, and supporting her husband’s search for top-notch Carolina barbeque and his annual excursion to the bluegrass festival in downtown Raleigh.