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Lindsay earned her B.S. in Biology and Minor in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2022. During her time at UNC, Lindsay worked as an undergraduate assistant at the UNC Protein Expression and Purification Core, where she grew her passion for genetics and molecular biology. Lindsay became a part of the UNC Biocuration and Coordination Core (ClinGen affiliated) in college by volunteering with the Undergraduate Annotation Pipeline. Currently, she works with the BCC as a junior biocurator evaluating evidence for the clinical validity of gene-disease relationships and performing classifications for variant pathogenicity. Lindsay curates for expert panels within a variety of clinical domains including immunology, inborn errors of metabolism, pulmonary, and hemostasis/thrombosis.


Outside of work, Lindsay enjoys volunteering with Make-a-Wish of Eastern NC and taking walks along the Rappahannock with her husband and dog.