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Department of Genetics Publications October 31st – November 13th 2021

November 15, 2021

Department of Genetics faculty, postdocs, students and collaborators published 12 papers during October 31st – November 13th 2021.   A multi-omic single-cell landscape of human gynecologic malignancies.  Regner MJ, Wisniewska K, Garcia-Recio S, Thennavan A, Mendez-Giraldez R, Malladi VS, Hawkins G, Parker JS, Perou CM, Bae-Jump VL, Franco HL. Mol Cell. 2021 Nov 1:S1097-2765(21)00842-X. doi: … Read more

Highlighted Faculty: Hyejung Won, PhD, Assistant Professor

November 1, 2021

Dr. Hyejung Won was recruited to the Department of Genetics and the Neuroscience Center at UNC Chapel Hill in 2018. Her up-and-coming research program integrates innovative genomic approaches with basic neurobiology to develop a systematic understanding of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. Dr. Won’s scientific career began at KAIST in Daejeon, South Korea where she earned … Read more

Beltran awarded a Faculty Research Support Grant from the Department of Genetics

October 25, 2021

Adriana Beltran, PhD, Associate Professor of Genetics and Director of the Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Core, was awarded a Faculty Research Support Grant, formerly known as a PIVOT award, for $20,000 from the Department of Genetics, which was evenly matched by both the School of Medicine Office of Research, and the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center (LCCC) for a total of $60,000.