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Graduate Student, Orla Putnam, and Dr. Harrop Awarded Stakeholder Engagement Voucher.

November 18, 2022

Second year SPHS Graduate Student, Orla Putnam, and Dr. Harrop were awarded an NC TraCS Stakeholder Engagement Voucher to support ongoing involvement of autistic stakeholders in our research. We will continue to work with Genessa Eddy, an autistic woman who has been an integral part of our Gendered Experiences of Autism Research (GEAR project).  

New Organization for Autism Research Applied Research Project Funded!

November 18, 2022

Dr. Harrop was part of a team led by Drs. Brenna Maddox (Psychiatry, UNC TEACCH) and Dara Chan (Health Sciences) recently awarded an Applied Research Grant from the Organization for Autism Research. The study, Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Autistic Adults: The Role of Community and Social Connections, will use Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global … Read more

Welcome Amanda!

November 18, 2022

We welcomed Amanda Neal in February 2022 to the lab as part of the Sex and Gender in Autism (SAGA) Study team. Amanda graduated from the University of Tennessee in 2019 and previously worked in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke. Welcome on-board Amanda!  

Welcome new HDFS Inter, Abril!

November 18, 2022

This semester we are joined by Abri Gross, a senior in Human Development and Family Studies who will be spending her internship with the Harrop Lab and the Liminal Project (led by Dr. Julie Austen – FPG). We are excited to have Abri’s perspective as we work with gender and neurodiverse youth in the community.  

Dr. Harrop chairs panel at 1st USCF Gender and Autism Conference.

November 18, 2022

Dr. Harrop chaired the closing panel of the UCSF Conference on the Assessment and Treatment of Females & Gender Diverse Individuals on the Autism Spectrum. The focus of this virtual conference was on the identification and diagnosis of autism in females and gender diverse individuals as well as issues related to treatment and clinical management. … Read more