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Welcome Orla – SPHS PhD Student

March 24, 2021

Orla Putnam joined the Harrop Lab in August 2020 as a PhD student in Speech and Hearing Sciences. Orla will be working across projects in the lab, including community engaged research projects and partnerships, and focusing on sex and gender differences in ASD. We are excited to have Orla join us!

Bye-Bye Dr. Dallman!

March 24, 2021

We officially sad goodbye to Aaron in July as he started his faculty appointment at Towson University. Aaron will continue to collaborate with the Harrop Lab on various projects, including our COVID-19 Project and AANGST. Good luck Aaron!

Saying goodbye to FIVE undergraduate research assistants.

March 24, 2021

While we couldn’t have an in-person celebration, we had a virtual send off for five undergraduate research assistants this spring. Emma, Leah and Allie are in staying the field of ASD research or treatment. Melissa will begin her Masters in Special Education at the Peabody School of Education at Vanderbilt University in the fall and … Read more

Aaron becomes Dr. Dallman

March 24, 2021

Aaron Dallman, graduate student in OS/OT and graduate student researcher in the Harrop Lab, defended his dissertation and officially become Dr. Dallman in May! Aaron’s dissertation focused on the use of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to understand the dynamic nature of negative affect in autistic adolescents. Aaron will be staying on in the lab through … Read more

Harrop Lab has four posters accepted for the Gatlinburg Conference for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research

April 17, 2020

Our lab had five abstracts accepted to the Gatlinburg Conference for Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities conference that was scheduled for April 2020 in San Diego. Aaron Dallman and Dr. Harrop were part of a submission from Project BIDD (Behavioral Inflexibility in Developmental Disorders) reporting on a parent interview measuring inflexibility. Aaron … Read more

Harrop Lab has five posters accepted for the annual International Society for Autism Research conference

April 17, 2020

Our lab had five abstracts accepted to the International Society for Autism Research conference that was scheduled for May 2020 in Seattle. Aaron Dallman and Dr. Harrop were part of two submissions from Project BIDD (Behavioral Inflexibility in Developmental Disorders); one examining the associations between anxiety and behavioral inflexibility and another reporting on a parent … Read more

COVID19 Study Funded

April 16, 2020

Dr. Harrop and graduate student Aaron Dallman have been awarded a NC TRacS Pilot 2k grant to study the impact of COVID19 on families with a child with ASD. They will be following up with the families who participated in Project BIDD via email, phone and online focus groups. These times are truly unprecedented for … Read more

Welcome to our new undergradate research assistants!

April 13, 2020

Four new undergraduate research assistants joined the lab this spring:  Roshni Ammanamanchi, Isa Lucarelli, Alex Moffitt, and Lunar Singsomphone. They will be helping the Harrop Lab run studies, recruit participants, and keep everything organized. We are very excited to start working with them come Fall!

Emma McQueen Defends Honors Thesis with Flying Colors!

April 10, 2020

Emma McQueen successfully defended her Psychology Honor’s Thesis entitled “Executive Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Multimodal Approach.” Emma’s research was funded through an Autism Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Grant and the UNC Peele Award for Honors Research. Emma will be starting a post-bac fellowship in Autism Spectrum Disorders at … Read more

Welcome Melissa – HDFS Intern – to the Harrop Lab

January 15, 2020

Melissa Cavagnini joined the Harrop Lab in 2020 as a Human Development and Family Studies Intern. Melissa will be with us until she graduates in the Spring and will be working across projects in the lab and conducting an independent study.