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Ears Ringing? Here’s Why and What You Can Do

April 25, 2021

“If you’ve ever been to a loud concert or sporting event and left with a ringing or buzzing in your ears, you experienced a common condition called tinnitus. About 50 million Americans have experienced tinnitus, and about 20 million have a form severe enough that it can disrupt their quality of life,” writes Patricia Johnson … Read more

DAHS Announces Faculty Award Winners

April 13, 2021

The Department of Allied Health Sciences (DAHS) is pleased to announce the 2021 recipients of the department’s faculty awards.

Eileen Burker Featured in The Well

February 26, 2021

The Well, an e-newsletter product of the University, recently featured Eileen Burker, director of the Division of Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling.