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Schizophrenia in a New Light: Occupational Science Student Takes a Global Perspective

April 5, 2019

Ben Lee is a second-year PhD student in the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy who is using his background in economics and anthropology in conjunction with occupational science to pursue research about the lived experience of the daily lives of people with schizophrenia and cultural effects through a global lens. Lee said his non-traditional route to … Read more

Nancy Bagatell, PhD, OTR/L, and Team at TEACCH Receive National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Grant

April 5, 2019

Nancy Bagatell, PhD, and director of the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, is an investigator on a three-year grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). The grant aims to examine the effectiveness of TEACCH School Transition to Employment and Postsecondary Education Program (T-STEP) for young adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder … Read more

Linn Wakeford, PhD, OT/L, Receives Innovation Grant from Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) for Interdisciplinary Project

March 22, 2019

Linn Wakeford, PhD, OT/L, and associate professor in the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, has received an Innovation Grant in the amount of $26,000 from the Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) for her interdisciplinary project, AH:SPIRE (Allied Health: Strategies to Promote, Inspire, Recruit, and Educate). The broad goal of AH:SPIRE is to address … Read more

Jennifer Womack, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Named Associate Director of UNC Partnerships in Aging Program

March 21, 2019

UNC Partnerships in Aging Program (PiAP), a campus-wide initiative in the University’s Office of the Provost, has recently named Jennifer “Jenny” Womack, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, as its associate director. Womack is a clinical professor in the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, housed in the UNC School of Medicine Department of Allied Health Sciences. … Read more

Interdisciplinary Team from Department of Allied Health Sciences Fosters Dialogue About the IPE Geriatrics Experience

March 5, 2019

Department of Allied Health Sciences faculty participated in a conversation focusing on interdisciplinary work and the geriatric experience. Susan Coppola, MS, OT/L, OTD, FAOTA, with the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy; Carol Giuliani, PT, PhD, FAPTA, with the Division of Physical therapy; and Sharon Williams, PhD, with the Division of Speech and Hearing … Read more

Elizabeth “Anne” Kinsella, PhD, MAdEd, BSc(OT), Featured as 2019 Mitchell Symposium Scholar

February 22, 2019

The 2019 Mitchell Symposium featured Elizabeth “Anne” Kinsella, PhD, MAdEd, BsC(OT), an associate professor in the School of Occupational Therapy, and member of the Occupational Science and Health Professional Education Field in the Health & Rehabilitation Sciences graduate program at Western University in Ontario, Canada. Kinsella’s talk, titled “Embodiment and Human Occupation: Implications for Health and Social Care,” focused on how processes of … Read more

Sue Coppola, MS, OT/L, OTD, FAOTA, Talks About Death and Dying with David Neumann and Advanced Beginner Group

January 22, 2019

Sue Coppola, MS, OT/L, OTD, FAOTA, a faculty member with the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, spoke with David Neumann of Advanced Beginner Group in advance of its multidisciplinary dance-based performance I Understand Everything Better at the end of January 2019. Neumann, who visited the UNC-Chapel Hill campus as part of his performance at CURRENT … Read more

UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health receives $2.4-million grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

January 4, 2019

The UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health has been awarded a $2.4-million grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The project will address homelessness and provide comprehensive behavioral health care and other services for individuals living with serious mental illnesses who are experiencing or who are at risk for … Read more

Second-Year Occupational Therapy Student Kendyl Cole Specializes in Neurological Disorders through LEND Program

December 7, 2018

Second-year occupational therapy student Kendyl Cole discovered her passion for the profession and for working with people with neurological disorders through a family friend whose experiences with autism spectrum disorder changed Cole’s worldview and led her to a profession rooted in serving others. “He was the first person I met who had autism,” Cole explained. … Read more