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Thank you for your interest in our programs. Information sessions are provided for the MSOT program only; those interested in the PhD program should contact Nancy Bagatell for more information.

Those interested in the MSOT program may find it helpful to view an Information Session presentation before attending a Zoom Q&A session. The information session linked here [currently being updated] goes with a set of handouts [also being updated]. A written transcript of the narration on the information session presentation is available here [and… also being updated].

Zoom Q&A sessions about the MSOT program are listed below. These sessions are structured loosely so that participants can ask the questions most pressing for them, and typically do not include a detailed overview of the OT program or admissions process, although we can talk about those topics! The Q&A sessions are “open house” style, so prospective applicants can arrive and leave as it suits their schedules.

You DO NOT need to register or sign up for the Zoom sessions and you may attend as many of them as you wish.

The dates and times for the Fall 2024 semester will be posted by August 1, 2024. We try to schedule around other important events, but those dates have not been decided yet.

Date Time Zoom link