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The literacy infographic is designed to inform parents of the coursework which helps teachers understand the science of teaching reading along with providing additional resources for parents. We would appreciate your help in disseminating information to your parents and other networks to increase awareness about this work in your districts during dyslexia awareness month.
The NC SIP APR infographic was designed to share the NC SIP Annual Performance Report results which were shared in the June EC Director webinar.
Over the past 19 years through the Exceptional Children Division, NC SIP and the instructors developed through the grant, have provided Reading Research to Classroom Practice (RRtCP) coursework statewide. RRtCP (formerly titled Reading Foundations) is high quality professional development grounded in the research and science of teaching reading that addresses the needs of students with persistent reading difficulties including the specific learning disability of dyslexia. Additionally, for the past 13 years, NC SIP has offered the Foundations of Math coursework to help educators improve math instruction for students challenged with learning math concepts including the specific learning disability of dyscalculia. Over the last 8 years, we have added a focus on evidence-based practices to address the needs in adolescent literacy.


NCSIP APR Infographic 2019 10-29-19

NCSIP Literacy Infographic 2019 10-29-19