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Thank you – Supporting Teaching and Related Services Section

May 8, 2020

Thank you for your incredible passion, hard work, and dedication. I stand in awe of the expertise, resiliency, innovation, and compassion that has been demonstrated by educators and related service providers in our wonderful state, especially the past few months. You are appreciated and valued tremendously! Please see the following video: Appreciation from STARS Section  

WCPT & INPTRA Report on Digital PT Practice

April 7, 2020

Task force report from World Confederation on Physiotherapy (WCPT) & the International Network of Physiotherapy Regulatory Authorities (INPTRA) on virtual practice from a global perspective Download Now

Virtual Related Services: Guidance & Resources for Providers in NC Public Schools

March 27, 2020

During the COVID-19 crisis, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) through the Exceptional Children Division (ECD) is providing resources on the delivery of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) through the lens of distance instruction for related services. States are encouraged to continue educating students with disabilities. The attached document will be released this afternoon … Read more

COVID-19 and Telehealth Resources

March 23, 2020

In an effort to get information directly, you are strongly encouraged to enroll your email(s) for the NC DPI EC Division listserv and any others that peak your interest.   NC DPI offers a number of topics for subscription: To subscribe to the NC DPI EC Division Update, click here To subscribe to other NC … Read more

School-based PT Lending Library Updates!

March 23, 2020

Good Afternoon! While spending more time at home you may be interested in taking advantage of some of the resources we have available to you in the School-based PT and Adapted PE Lending Libraries! If you would like to borrow a resource, please complete the form and allow time for it to be shipped to … Read more

EC Glossary

January 10, 2020

This is a list compiled of commonly used terms and abbreviations in special education.  

NC State Improvement Project (NC SIP) Infographic

November 6, 2019

The literacy infographic is designed to inform parents of the coursework which helps teachers understand the science of teaching reading along with providing additional resources for parents. We would appreciate your help in disseminating information to your parents and other networks to increase awareness about this work in your districts during dyslexia awareness month. The … Read more