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NC State Improvement Project (NC SIP) Infographic

November 6, 2019

The literacy infographic is designed to inform parents of the coursework which helps teachers understand the science of teaching reading along with providing additional resources for parents. We would appreciate your help in disseminating information to your parents and other networks to increase awareness about this work in your districts during dyslexia awareness month. The … Read more

Overview of School-based Practice

August 19, 2019

Overview of School-Based Practice (download pdf) ™ Educational & Clinical Service Models ™ Least Restrictive Environment ™ Evidenced-based Process ™ Curriculum-based Process ™ Parent Consent & Partnership ™ Integrated IEP Development ™ Embedded Intervention ™ Data-based Practice/ Progress Monitoring ™ Ethics ™ Rosters, Schedules & Workload ™ Answering Your Questions

Guidance for Homebound and Modified Day Placements

September 13, 2018

Please see the attached memo and guidance document. The guidance document is the product of stakeholder collaboration – professionals from schools, advocacy organizations, community disability and mental health providers. It is designed to guide IEP teams that are considering a homebound or modified day placement for a child and represents the collective thoughts of the … Read more