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  • All BCBP faculty to complete 1 hour Bias 101 training by the end of the year (required for positive performance review in 2021)

    Status: Completed

    Yes, currently on going

    Update as of primary Faculty (Tenure track and Fixed Term Faculty)

    Person/Dept Responsible: Steven Torchio (HR)

  • Include DEI in faculty evaluations (i.e., person is able demonstrate what they have done annually to promote DEI)

    Status: On time

    Annual Activity Reports

    Person/Dept Responsible: (Marsha) Lynn Ray and Dr. Brian Strahl

  • Develop departmental guidelines by end of 2021 on qualifying DEI activities

    Status: On time

    Ongoing, a team has been created to define activities that count as DEI

    Person/Dept Responsible: Dr. Jean Cook

  • Create a BCBP Diversity Committee

    Status: Completed

    Completed, created in November 2020

    Person/Dept Responsible: Dr. Silvia Ramos

  • Develop DEI webpage on our BCBP department website

    Status: Completed

    Completed and being updated frequently and systematically

    Person/Dept Responsible: Carolyn Clabo and Dr Silvia Ramos

Access and Success

  • Encourage labs/PIs to construct a unique statement on DEI and completed trainings that may be easily identified and interpreted by prospective, incoming, or otherwise new students.

    Status: On time

    Our BCBP website has symbol showing accomplished training close to each Faculty picture

    We are in the process of adding a symbol for Bias full training (2hs)

    Dedicate specific days for continuous training at least annually through DEI office, alternating different topics

    Person/Dept Responsible: Carolyn Clabo and Dr. Brian Strahl and Dr. Silvia Ramos

  • Work on a joint effort with other basic science departments through IMSD to develop a Summer Undergraduate research experience/programs in which BCBP will participate jointly with other basic science departments

    Status: On time


    Person/Dept Responsible: Dr. Ashalla Freeman, Dr. Silvia Ramos and Carolyn Clabo

  • Outline expectations and guidelines for mentor-mentee compacts for establishing mutual expectations and responsibilities. PIs to consider OGE optional training ‘Expectation’s plan’

    Status: On time

    On going Expectation plan to be discussed with thesis committee in the first mtg, and as a follow up according to student/mentor’s need

    Person/Dept Responsible: Each PI with its teammates

  • Compile resource information available across campus as well as those unique to BCBP members aimed at community building, DEI resources, reporting, counseling, and other forms of support in a way that is easily locatable and useable.

    Status: On time

    The DEI BCBP website has been recently updated and include many resource links

    Person/Dept Responsible: Carolyn Clabo and Dr Silvia Ramos

  • Make the diversity committee’s progress and efforts more easily accessible to department members via poster sessions, regular townhalls, newsletters, etc.

    Status: On time

    On going

    Person/Dept Responsible: Diversity Committee members

  • Organize Trainee Seminar Committee in which students will invite speakers from diverse backgrounds and interests for 2 seminars per semester.

    Status: On time

    Ongoing, contacts were made with our department seminar chair/organizer (Dr. Saskia Neher) and we are currently working on forming the student seminar committee and are set to organizing seminars for ’21-’22.

    Person/Dept Responsible: Amelia McCue and Dr. Saskia Neher

  • Plan an orientation process to facilitate new post-doc integration (on boarding, meet chair, meet students, finding unique community).

    Status: On time

    On going

    Person/Dept Responsible: DEI committee (at least 3 people will take that lead)

  • Plan symposium focused on highlighting URM post-docs (potentially in conjunction with genetics, pharmacology).

    Status: On time

    On going

    Person/Dept Responsible: Amelia McCue

  • Formalize a process for training and selecting students and post docs for becoming hiring committee members in order to facilitate trainee involvement earlier in the hiring process. 

    Status: On time

    We have checked guidelines for trainee involvement in department’s hiring committee and are aware of trainings that must be completed by every member (faculty or otherwise).

    Person/Dept Responsible: HR training Dr. Steve Crews

  • Create a formal mentoring committee for Research faculty (FTF) who plans to seek research independence

    Status: On time

    On going

    Person/Dept Responsible: Dr. Brian Strahl

  • Foster hiring of new URM Faculty to better reflect the diversity of our students

    Status: On time

    On going

    Person/Dept Responsible: Dr. Brian Strahl, Dr. Jean Cook, Dr Silvia Ramos

Climate and Intra/Intergroup Relations

  • Annual Racial Equity Competency Survey

    Status: On time

    Completed: We performed a Racial Equity Competency Survey (summary of results presented at Town Hall 1). Low response rate.

    Next: Revamp survey to assess racial competency, DEI effort involvement, as well as departmental climate. Discuss results on DEI committee mtg.

    Person/Dept Responsible: Non-faculty member either in the department or ideally, from OGE

  • Address Student Mistreatment

    Status: On time

    OGE to hire individual(s) to handle mistreatment reports, climate surveys, and DEI trainings.

    Next: BCBP to designate a liaison to help link trainees to the right mistreatment reporting resources

    Person/Dept Responsible: Brandy Curtis, Holly Shepherd, Dr Silvia Ramos and Dr. Jean Cook

  • Host Town Hall meetings to improve department climate

    Plan regular town halls

    Status: On time

    Our BCBP first Racial Equity Town Hall mtg was held on Feb 12th Next: Follow-up meetings biannually. Student-led meetings as needed (minimum one per year).

    Person/Dept Responsible: DEI committee

  • Lab Climate Surveys

    Status: On time

    Run surveys for individual labs to assess mentoring, intra-lab relations, and diversity and inclusion of lab climate.  To be administered by a 3rd party (Strategic Evaluations Inc)

    Person/Dept Responsible: DEI committee Brandy

  • Cultural Events

    Status: On time

    Next: Host events that celebrate and investigate a variety of cultures, religions, and identities. E.g. Iftar (breaking of fast) during Ramadan. Discussion groups on intersectionality, race, personal narratives

    Person/Dept Responsible: BCBP Diversity Committee Reem Hakeem and Gabby Budziszewski

Curriculum and Scholarship

  • Plan a scholarship fund for URM students to apply for conference travel.

    Status: On time

    On going

    Person/Dept Responsible: DEI committee

  • Accumulate resources to help faculty find diverse scientists’ contributions to the field.

    On going

    Person/Dept Responsible: Health Science Library/Davis library

  • Organize a series of interviews/discussions highlighting diverse examples/models present in our department

    On going on our DEI website, under news we have interviewed: Tristan (staff), Juanita Limas (grad student) and Dr. Nikea Pittman (post-doc)

    Person/Dept Responsible: Carolyn Clabo and Dr. Silvia Ramos

  • Organize Trainee Seminar Committee in which students will invite speakers from diverse backgrounds and interests for 2 seminars per semester.

    Ongoing, contacts were made with our department seminar chair/organizer (Dr. Saskia Neher) and we are currently working on forming the student seminar committee and are set to organizing seminars for ’21-’22.

    Person/Dept Responsible: Amelia McCue Dr. Saskia Neher

Community Engagement

  • Joint postdoc symposium with genetics and pharmacology

    Status: On time

    On going

    Person/Dept Responsible: Edgar Nikea

  • Outline outreach/community service requirements for trainees (potentially 5 hours over the course of PhD), expectations for service, service site examples, etc.

    Status: On time

    On going

    Person/Dept Responsible: Dr Silvia Kreda and Holly Shepherd