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Dear Teammates,

It has been a time of celebration across UNC Health and the UNC School of Medicine. Over the last few weeks, we have honored our dedicated nurses during Nurses Week, celebrated our newest class of Tar Heel doctors during UNC School of Medicine’s commencement exercises, and now we reflect on our collective impacts during Hospital Week as well as our own Engage Me Week.

I hope that you have found a few moments to participate in the many events being held across our hospitals or just taken some quiet time to reflect on the impacts that you are making each day for patients all across North Carolina.

May started with another outstanding report card from the Leapfrog Group with multiple “A” grades throughout the system. UNC Health Rex in Raleigh continues to hold the distinction as the only hospital in North Carolina to earn straight “As” since Leapfrog began grading hospitals in 2012. Rex is one of only 15 hospitals nationwide with this honor. This is truly an amazing accomplishment.

As nice as these official designations are, our work is defined by the patients we serve and the quality care you provide. Hearing their stories puts a human face on those other metrics and proves the lengths you will go to provide Carolina Care to our patients.

Recently, a patient at Pardee commented that their outpatient surgery was “without a doubt, the most caring, professional, and efficient experience that they ever had.”

Another patient at Caldwell’s Jonas Hill Behavioral Health Hospital shared, “My life has been transformed. Now I have hope.”

These are just a few stories that I have heard recently. I know each of you have many more. While we celebrate you during these recognition weeks, know that families across North Carolina are celebrating in good health thanks to your skill and compassion.

I am truly appreciative of everything you do each day to serve our patients and each other.

