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Tale of two double lung transplants and one enduring tribute

June 15, 2018

For patients with end-stage chronic lung disease, every breath is tiresome and difficult. When the disease is no longer responsive to medical therapies, a lung transplant is a possibility for patients under the age of 70. Frank Sands is breathing new life after a double lung transplant. To show his gratitude, he made a financial … Read more

Jaspers, Clapp featured in NY Times for e-cigarette research

June 7, 2018

Researchers in lab of Ilona Jaspers, PhD, found that the common food additive cinnamaldehyde impaired cilia — the hair-like structures on lung cells crucial for proper respiratory function. Read the story here, and the New York Times article here.

Leigh Wins American Thoracic Society Lifetime Achievement Award

June 4, 2018

This year’s ATS Assembly on Pediatrics Lifetime Contributions to Pediatric Respiratory Medicine Award went to Margaret W. Leigh, MD. This award is given for achievement in teaching, clinical care, advocacy, scholarship or research over the course of an entire career. Read the full article here.

James Donohue receives Breathing for Life award

May 24, 2018

James F. Donohue, MD, was honored with the Breathing for Life Award at the Tenth Annual American Thoracic Society (ATS) Foundation Research Program Benefit on Saturday, May 19, 2018, in San Diego, California. The Breathing for Life Award is the highest honor given by the foundation for philanthropy, scientific achievement, and commitment to mentorship. Read … Read more

The Heart of a Researcher

May 17, 2018

At the UNC School of Medicine, researchers come to their work through various paths. For Wanda O’Neal, PhD, her tireless dedication to researching cystic fibrosis and lung conditions was born from a very personal place — a family with six kids with CF. Read the article and view the video here.