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Application Phase Leadership

Catherine Coe, MD, Assistant Dean of Clinical Curriculum
Kelly Bossenbroek-Fedoriw, MD, Co-Director of Application Phase
Luigi Pascarella, MD, Co-Director of Application Phase
General Application Phase Email
Educator talking to students

Application Phase Requirements

Prior to beginning the Application Phase, all students must:

  • Successfully complete and pass all course work in the Foundation Phase
  • Complete STEP 1 Exam

All campus programs require students to have a car. Bus service at any campus may be limited or non-existent to clinic sites.

Students assigned to Asheville, Charlotte, and Wilmington are expected to secure their own housing for the year. Staff at each campus can direct students to housing options. Central Campus students must also secure their own housing, but may be assigned to AHEC clinical sites in Greensboro and Wilmington to complete clinical experiences. For these short-term assignments, students can apply for AHEC housing.

Learn more about AHEC housing