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Anne Lachiewicz, MD, is an assistant professor in the division of infectious diseases in UNC’s Department of Medicine.

Anne Lachiewicz, MD

What brought you to UNC Medical Center?

I grew up in Chapel Hill. Go CHHS Tigers! After college, I came home for a great medical school with in-state tuition and never wanted to leave.

Did you always want to be a physician?

Both my parents were doctors and loved their work. I never thought about doing anything else.

How did you choose your specialty?

Figuring out an infectious diseases diagnosis is like solving a mystery. Then, you get to try and vanquish the enemy in order to cure the disease. I’m also fascinated by emerging infections and the idea that in 10 years you might be diagnosing and treating a disease that no one has heard of today.

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

I get to do a mix of patient care, research, and teaching: every day is different. It’s a lot of fun to work with physicians and staff in nearly every hospital department.

What are some of the new developments in your field of specialty?

Ebola, Zika and Chikungunya. Nearly 100% cure rates for HCV! The new extended-spectrum azole drugs are an incredible alternative to amphotericin (and iatrogenic renal failure) for treating fungal infections.

Is there a particular achievement (professional or personal) that has been most gratifying to you?

Maintaining a great relationship with an amazing spouse of 10+ years and two darling children, ages 7 and 4, who supported me and kept me grounded during residency, fellowship and afterwards. I was also quoted and my research mentioned in the New York Times for a manuscript I published as a UNC medical student.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know” (that’s how you learn more).

If you weren’t a physician, what would you like to be doing?

I would be a personal trainer.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

I like exercising, reading romance novels and singing along to country music.

Do you have a favorite quote or life motto?

“Valuable service + passionate work + meaningful purpose = genuine happiness” – Dan Peterson