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Congrats to Block 1 AM Report Winners!

July 24, 2013

Congratulations to our Block 1 AM Report Winners! Attendance was excellent and as a result we have a tie for Attendance Award between Dr. Tara Kaufmann, Dr. Hao Liu, and Dr. Emily Sturkie. Genius Award winners are Dr. Nicole Harlan and Dr. Eric Hard. Winners will receive a Freedom Pay bonus soon!

Congratulations Genius and AM Report Attendance Winners!

June 25, 2013

  Congratulations to Dr. Duncan Vincent for winning block 12 attendance award! We also announced the Block 7-12 Genius Award recently- congratulations to Dr. Julia Hughes for her outstanding performance on AM report image challenge and MKSAP questions. Dr. Hughes will receive a copy of the Netter’s Internal Medicine book authored by our very own … Read more