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Dr. Jan Busby-Whitehead
Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD

A Wall Street Journal report about the first Americans to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19, older people, recognizes how many are still struggling to know what activities are safe.

Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD, interviewed for the report, said she and colleagues continue to urge caution because most of the US population isn’t vaccinated. There are also new, more transmissible variants that are circulating and the two vaccines in the US aren’t 100% effective.

“First the focus was ‘Let’s all get the vaccine.’ And now, it’s, ‘Now what?'” Busby-Whitehead said. “There is some vagueness here.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said there isn’t enough information currently available about the protection that Covid-19 vaccines provide in real-world situations to change the guidance on masks and social distancing.

Busby-Whitehead is the Mary and Thomas Hudson Distinguished Professor of Medicine, chief of the division of geriatric medicine and director of the Center for Aging and Health.

Read the article here.