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  • TARGET-NASH Data Publication Finds Nearly One In Five Patients With NAFLD Have Prior Prescription Opioid Use

    Andrew Moon, MD, MPH, a fellow in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, is lead author of a study finding one in five patients with NAFLD have prior prescription opioid use. Sidney Barritt, MD, MSCR, associate professor, is a co-author. Target RWE, an innovative health evidence solutions company generating real-world evidence (RWE) and delivering regulatory-grade data, … Read more

  • Patients With Cirrhosis Face Increased Risk Of Death From COVID-19

    Researchers at Oxford and UNC-Chapel Hill, led by Andrew Moon, MD, MPH, and Sidney Barritt, MD, found increased mortality rates among COVID-19 patients with advanced cirrhosis and alcohol-related liver disease. The study, published in the Journal of Hepatology, found that mortality from COVID-19 was particularly high among patients with more advanced cirrhosis – called Childs-Pug … Read more

  • neil-shah

    Shah Named Associate Program Director of UNC GI Fellowship

    Neil Shah, MD, assistant professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, has been appointed associate program director for the UNC Gastroenterology & Hepatology fellowship program. Shah earned his medical degree at UNC-Chapel Hill and completed internal medicine residency at the University of Virginia. He returned to UNC to complete his fellowship in … Read more

  • Olafur Palsson, PsyD

    Palsson Featured in Article About Mental Effects of UNC’s Decision To Send Students Home

    Olafur Palsson, PsyD, professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, was interviewed by the Greensboro News and Record discussing his study that assessed the emotional and mental impacts of COVID-19 on the US adult population. “Younger people were more affected by it than older individuals, and the Hispanic population seemed to be the most impacted emot … Read more

  • sidney-barritt

    Patients With Liver Transplant Are Not at Greater Risk of Death From COVID-19

    Three UNC researchers are co-authors of a new international study, published online August 28 in The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, that found patients with a liver transplant who are infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, do not face an increased risk of death compared to other patients who were infected with SARS-CoV-2. The authors include Sidney B … Read more

  • sidney-barritt

    Barritt Appointed Director of Clinical Hepatology

    Sidney Barritt IV, MD, MSCR, associate professor in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, has been named the director of clinical hepatology, a position previously held by Michael W. Fried, MD. Barritt joined UNC in 2006 as a T32 clinical epidemiology fellow, where he completed fellowships in gastroenterology, transplant hepatology, and earned a master’s degree in clin … Read more

  • millie-long-steve-kennedy

    Stephen Kennedy Memorial Fund Provides Cultural Experiences For Gastroenterology Fellows

    Stephen Mark Kennedy, PhD, long-time coordinator for the UNC Gastroenterology and Hepatology Fellowship Program, died Friday, July 24.  He served UNC for more than 30 years and was an integral leader of the fellowship program over the course of his long career. He guided more than 100 fellows through the program, providing support and nurturing every step of the way. He retired f … Read more

  • Olafur Palsson, PsyD

    UNC Researcher Shares Findings On Emotional Impact of the Pandemic With Chapelboro

    Olafur Palsson, PsyD, professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, was featured in the news discussing a nationwide internet survey he led, when the pandemic was just beyond its peak in the nation. In the interview, Palsson says one result that he “found personally surprising was just how universal the emotional impact of this pandemic … Read more

  • Shaheen Named Co-PI of NC TraCS

    Nicholas Shaheen, MD, MPH, the Bozymski-Heizer Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been named co-PI of the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute. Shaheen’s appointment took effect July 1. He will take over leadership from Tim Carey, MD, MPH, the Sarah Graham Kenan Professor of Medicine and S … Read more

  • Olafur Palsson, PsyD

    WRAL News Interviews Paulsson About Mental Health Study During Pandemic

    Olafur Palsson, PsyD, professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, led a national study examining the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on mental health. In an interview with WRAL News, Palsson says it has taken a bigger toll on younger people and minorities. Watch the interview here. Learn more the study in this WRAL TechWire article.

  • Olafur Palsson, PsyD

    Palsson Leads National Survey on Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

    Olafur Palsson, PsyD, professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, led a study investigating the emotional and mental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. The study authors are releasing their findings directly to the public in an effort to provide guidance and understanding to individuals and clinicians as the pandemic evolves. The findings of … Read more

  • Dr. Evan Dellon

    Dellon Study Shows EoE Disease Activity Rapidly Recurs With Topical Steroids

    Evan Dellon, MD, MPH, professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, published results of a new study on the recurrence of eosinophilic esophagitis disease (EoE) activity in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. “Because most subjects had recurrent endoscopic and histologic signs not reliably detected by symptoms, maintenance therapy should be recom … Read more