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  • klara-klein-endocrinology-fellow

    Metformin Use Shows No Increase in Gastrointestinal Adverse Events During GLP-1RA Initiation

    A recent study analyzing data from four pivotal clinical trials—LEADER, STEP 2, SUSTAIN 6, and PIONEER 6—evaluated the impact of concomitant metformin use on gastrointestinal adverse events during the initiation and titration of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RA). Klara Klein, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine in the UNC Division of Endocrinology led the 1 … Read more

  • First comprehensive medical guideline on management of pouchitis released

    Edward Barnes, MD, MPH, co-first author, is an assistant professor in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and John Haydek, MD, MSCS, author, is an advanced inflammatory bowel diseases fellow. The American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) has released the first comprehensive evidence-based guideline on the management of pouchitis, the most common complication peop … Read more

  • UNC Researchers Reveal Prevalence of Persistent Symptoms in Patients with Microscopic Colitis

    A new study led by Walker Redd, MD, at the UNC School of Medicine, examines how multiple factors contribute to the miscommunication and understanding of the digestive disease, microscopic colitis. It’s a hidden cause of diarrhea and the development of the disease is poorly understood. Multiple factors work against the diagnosis of microscopic colitis, an inflammatory digestive di … Read more

  • Removing the Penicillin Allergic Label: Researchers Introduce PADME

    Doctors at the UNC School of Medicine, including Mildred Kwan, MD, PhD, and Cincinnati Children’s collaborate to develop an innovative, patient-initiated online platform designed to remove the penicillin allergy label from misdiagnosed pediatric patients. Here’s the scene. Your child appears to be sick. You take their temperature. Fever is over 100. Their throat hurts. You immedi … Read more

  • GIE Medical Announces First Patient Enrolled in PATENT-E Benign Esophageal Stricture Treatment Study

    The large, multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial is evaluating the safety and efficacy of the ProTractX3™ TTS drug coated balloon for the treatment of benign esophageal strictures. News provided by GIE Medical via PRNewswire. MINNEAPOLIS – GIE Medical, a clinical stage company developing solutions for patients suffering from benign stricture(s) of the esophagus or bowe … Read more

  • Ethan Basch, MD, MSc

    Basch receives $3 million research award to launch national patient-reported outcomes project

    The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has awarded UNC Lineberger’s Ethan Basch, MD, MSc, FASCO, $3 million in research funding to support a multi-institutional initiative to implement electronic patient-reported outcomes, or ePRO, in oncology practices across the country. “People being treated for cancer often experience a range of symptoms that can cause distr … Read more

  • November- Grants and Funding

    Department of Medicine Grants & Funding: November 1 – November 30, 2023

    Division of Hematology Rafal Pawlinski, PhD, and Brandi Reeves, MD, were awarded a one-year $75,000 UNC School of Medicine Phase 2 Translational Team Science Award (TTSA) for their project, “evaluating the role of hypoxia inducible factors in endothelial and hematopoietic cells in myeloproliferative neoplasms.” Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism Emily Pfaff, PhD, spoke ab … Read more

  • MacNider Building

    Novel study finds aspirin-free regimen benefits patients with LVAD

    The ARIES-HM3 Randomized Clinical Trial assessed the safety and efficacy of excluding aspirin from the antithrombotic regimen in patients with advanced heart failure who have undergone implantation of a fully magnetically levitated left ventricular assist device (LVAD). “There has been no consensus in the field about use of or dose of aspirin in the LVAD population until this stu … Read more

  • Amanda E. Nelson, MD, MSCR, RhMSUS

    Nelson Expresses Concern for Use of Methotrexate in Hand OA Following Clinical Trial

    “Many individuals with hand OA have multiple medical comorbidities and polypharmacy, which are important when considering additional treatments, particularly those with modest benefit and potential adverse effects over the long term,” she said.

  • October-Grants and Funding

    Department of Medicine Grants & Funding: October 1 – October 31, 2023

    Division of Infectious Diseases Edward P Browne, PhD, received a: R61 grant  from the NIDA to examine the impact of cannabinoids in HIV infected humanized mice. This is a five year, $3,465,157 grant. R21 grant from the NIAID to examine post therapy changes in CD4 T cells by single cell RNA sequencing. This award is $427,625. Nicholas Piazza, MD, received a $350,351 grant to intro … Read more

  • UNC Joins Osteoporosis Clinical Trial to Test Specialist-Fracture Liaison Service 

    Donald Caraccio, MD, principal investigator and assistant professor medicine, and Maya Styner, MD, associate professor of medicine, will lead a clinical site for the RESTORE study- REducing future fractureS and improving ouTcOmes of fRagility fracturE.    Bones in patients with osteoporosis often become fragile and have an increased risk for fracture or break. Known as fragility … Read more

  • Researchers create a community resource referral program to address kidney health disparities

    Drs. Gaurav Dave, associate professor of medicine, and Abhijit V. Kshirsagar, Covington Distinguished Professor of Medicine, received a grant from the NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) to address structural racism to reduce kidney health disparities in rural North Carolina. North Carolina has the second largest rural population in the co … Read more