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  • Ria Dancel, MD, FAAP

    Research Highlights: Hospital Medicine

    Dr. Ria Dancel is dually appointed in the Department of Medicine and the Department of Pediatrics. She is the Director of the Medicine Procedure Service, led by proceduralist attendings working with resident physicians to perform diagnostic and therapeutic bedside procedures. This service was created in 2014 in order to provide efficient and safe procedures and to standardize res … Read more

  • Brian Jensen, MD

    Research Highlights: Cardiology

      Brian Jensen, MD Brian Jensen, MD Dr. Brian Jensen’s clinical and investigative efforts focus on heart failure. The Jensen lab uses animal and cell culture model systems to study the mechanisms of heart injury that lead to the clinical syndrome of heart failure. Dr. Jensen has brought clinical questions from the UNC Heart Failure clinic to the lab. First, Dr. Jensen’s lab … Read more

  • David Wohl, MD

    Research Highlights: Infectious Diseases

      David Wohl, MD David Alain Wohl, MD That there are only a handful of Ebola-ologists in the world is something that Dr. Wohl, the Site Leader of the UNC AIDS Clinical Trials Unit at Chapel Hill, realized when the massive Ebola outbreak started to peak in 2014. Ebola raged across West Africa and cases were popping up in Europe and the US. Dr. Wohl led a coordinated effort in … Read more

  • Ethan Basch, MD

    Dr. Ethan Basch Highlights the Impact of Patient-Reported Outcomes on Patient Care in Podcast

    What are the challenges that patients face in communicating with their physicians, and how do questionnaires work to help? Dr. Ron Falk interviews Dr. Ethan Basch in this podcast about patient-reported outcomes research. Dr. Basch is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at UNC, and a Professor of Health Policy and Management in the School of Public H … Read more

  • Satish Gopal, MD, MPH

    Research Highlights: Hematology & Oncology

      Satish Gopal, MD, MPH Satish Gopal, MD, MPH Dr. Gopal went to medical school at Duke University, and trained in medicine-pediatrics at the University of Michigan. He completed medical oncology and infectious diseases fellowships at the University of North Carolina and is board certified in both disciplines. He lived in Tanzania from 2007 until 2009 where he provided HIV cl … Read more

  • Jenny Flythe, MD, MPH

    Research Highlights: Nephrology & Hypertension

      Jenny Flythe, MD, MPH Jenny Flythe, MD, MPH Dr. Flythe is a nephrologist and clinical investigator focused on improving clinical outcomes and quality of life for individuals with dialysis-dependent end-stage kidney disease. She joined the UNC School of Medicine faculty in 2014 after completing her nephrology fellowship and public health training at Brigham and Women’s Hosp … Read more

  • Evan Dellon, MD

    Research Highlights: Gastroenterology & Hepatology

    Evan Dellon, MD Evan Dellon, MD Dr. Evan Dellon’s research focuses on eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), a chronic allergy/immune-mediated esophageal disease. This condition is characterized by symptoms of esophageal dysfunction and a marked eosinophilic infiltration in the esophageal mucosa, which leads to esophageal strictures and other structural changes. Symptoms of EoE include … Read more

  • Samuel Cykert, MD

    Research Highlights: General Medicine & Clinical Epidemiology

    Samuel Cykert, MD Samuel Cykert, MD Dr. Cykert’s research career has emphasized access to care, resolution of health disparities in cancer care, and primary care practice improvement including cancer prevention and informatics. He is Clinical Director of the North Carolina Regional Extension Center for Health Information Technology and Director of UNC’s Program on Health and Clin … Read more

  • Jason Mock, MD, PhD

    Research Highlights: Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine

      Jason Mock, MD, PhD Jason Mock, MD, PhD Dr. Jason Mock is interested in how the lung resolves injury and undergoes repair after damage. In acute or chronic injury the failure to regenerate the lung epithelium plays a role in such processes as pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, COPD, aging, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ARDS is a common pulmonary disease often … Read more

  • Richard Loeser, MD, PhD

    Research Highlights: Rheumatology, Allergy, and Immunology

    Richard Loeser, MD, PhD Richard Loeser, MD, PhD Dr. Richard Loeser’s research focuses on understanding basic mechanisms relevant to joint tissue destruction in osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the primary cause of pain and disability in older adults. A lack of treatments that slow or stop the progression of OA is a major limitation in the management of this very common cond … Read more

  • Maya Styner, MD

    Research Highlights: Endocrinology/Metabolism

      Maya Styner, MD Maya Styner, MD Dr. Maya Styner’s lab is interested in how exercise benefits health, specifically bone marrow health. Our bones are not stagnant, rock-like materials – they change throughout life. The marrow within bones contains various kinds of cells, including fat cells. The proportions of these cells can decrease or increase over time. Bone marrow fat i … Read more