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  • Richard Loeser, MD, PhD

    Research Highlights: Rheumatology, Allergy, and Immunology

    Richard Loeser, MD, PhD Richard Loeser, MD, PhD Dr. Richard Loeser’s research focuses on understanding basic mechanisms relevant to joint tissue destruction in osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the primary cause of pain and disability in older adults. A lack of treatments that slow or stop the progression of OA is a major limitation in the management of this very common cond … Read more

  • Maya Styner, MD

    Research Highlights: Endocrinology/Metabolism

      Maya Styner, MD Maya Styner, MD Dr. Maya Styner’s lab is interested in how exercise benefits health, specifically bone marrow health. Our bones are not stagnant, rock-like materials – they change throughout life. The marrow within bones contains various kinds of cells, including fat cells. The proportions of these cells can decrease or increase over time. Bone marrow fat i … Read more