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COPD With Dr. Brad Drummond

Dr. Ron Falk invites Dr. Brad Drummond, a distinguished pulmonologist at the University of North Carolina who specializes in lung diseases. Dr. Drummond directs the UNC Obstructive Lung Diseases Clinical and Translational Research Center, where he leads a team funded by the National Institutes of Health.Their research delves into the intricacies of COPD progression, nasal mucosal … Read more

Polycystic Kidney Disease


Dr. Ron Falk invites Dr. Emily Chang, a kidney doctor with the University of North Carolina who cares for patients with PKD, to be a guest on the Chair’s Corner. They discuss symptoms, diagnosis, impact on welling, autosomal recessive vs autosomal dominant, and more. Dr. Chang is the co-director of the Polycystic Kidney Disease Center, which is a center of excellence, and is also … Read more

Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Symptoms, Causes, New Treatments

Evan S. Dellon, MD, MPH

Dr. Ron Falk invites Dr. Evan Dellon, internationally recognized expert of EoE, to talk about the signs you or your child may have the condition, recent FDA approved treatments including budesonide and dupilumab, and on-going research in the field. Dr. Dellon is a professor of medicine in the UNC Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and an internationally renowned investig … Read more

Biosimilars – with Dr. Hans Herfarth

Hans Herfarth, MD, PhD

Dr. Hans Herfarth explains biosimilars in this episode of the Chair’s Corner. He describes the differences of biosimilars and biologics, and safety issues with switching from an original drug to a biosimilar. Dr. Herfarth is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Topics covered: Biosimilars, Biologics & Generic Drugs Advantages of Biosimil … Read more

Immunotherapy – with Dr. Jon Serody

Dr. Jon Serody

Dr. Jonathan Serody discusses immunotherapy as a way to treat cancer, specifically adoptive cell therapy, checkpoint inhibitor therapy and stem cell transplants. He explains how they work, what kinds of cancers they help treat and what the process is like for someone who has these treatments. Dr. Serody is the Elizabeth Thomas Professor of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology in … Read more

Dr. Joseph Duncan & UNC’s Physician Scientist Training Program

This is the first episode of Chair’s Corner. It features an interview with Dr. Ron Falk and Dr. Joseph (Alex) Duncan, in a discussion on the new UNC Physician Scientist Training Program. Listen to the full length recording (14 min) UNC Physician Scientist Training Program – Full-Length TrackWhat is it?Why did you become a physician-scientist?What is the role of the mentor?What ma … Read more

New Diabetes Treatments – with Dr. John Buse


Dr. John Buse shares what is new in the treatment of diabetes, and highlights the benefits that SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists can offer to patients. He also discusses topics related to the role of diet and weight loss, as well as glucose monitoring and insulin pumps. Dr. Buse is the Verne S. Caviness Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Chief of the UNC Division … Read more

Getting Care for HIV – with Dr. Claire Farel

Claire Farel, MD, MPH

When someone is diagnosed with HIV, what kind of care do they need? What can they expect from their first visit to the UNC ID Clinic? Dr. Claire Farel answers these questions and many more in this podcast about getting medical care for HIV. Dr. Farel is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and is Medical Director of the UNC Infectious Diseases … Read more

David Cole’s Story

David Cole shares his story in this podcast on how he went from a very healthy athlete, to a person diagnosed with kidney disease. And then, how his life changed after having a kidney transplant. David has organized the Raven Rock Ramble, a 100-mile bike ride which promotes awareness of organ donation issues, and benefits the UNC Kidney Center. The 14th Raven Rock Ramble is on Ma … Read more

Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) – with Dr. Evan Dellon

Dr. Evan Dellon describes eosinophilic esophagitis, an allergic condition of the esophagus which causes a person to have trouble swallowing food. In addition to describing the symptoms of this condition, how it is diagnosed, and how it can be treated, he and Dr. Falk also talk about the risk factors for EoE and why the incidence of this condition is increasing. “When you can look … Read more

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome – Dr. Jason Mock: Care of ARDS

Jason Mock, MD, PhD

Jason Mock, MD, PhD Ron Falk, MD Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, ARDS, is a condition that occurs when fluid fills the lungs and often requires a patient to be placed on a ventilator. Dr. Jason Mock, an Instructor in the Division of Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Medicine, discusses how physicians care for ARDS, how to prevent ventilator injury, and communicating with … Read more

Galafold – with Jerry Walter & Dr. Gerald Hladik

Galafold (migalastat) was approved in August 2018 for the treatment of Fabry disease. Jerry Walter, a patient who has Fabry, and his nephrologist, Dr. Gerald Hladik, discuss how the drug works, and common concerns and questions patients have about the treatment. Dr. Hladik is the Doc J Thurston Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Chief of the UNC Division of Nephrology and Hy … Read more