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In each e-newsletter we plan to highlight one of our outstanding clinical programs. This summer we are highlighting the Center for Esophageal Diseases and Swallowing (CEDAS).

Our providers
  • When was CEDAS created and what has it evolved to become?

CEDAS was created about 15 years ago, in response to an unmet need of our patients. Care for esophageal disease was fragmented, and it was not unusual for patients to come to the med center on multiple occasions to see different physicians involved with their care, and to get multiple procedures. CEDAS allows patients to receive more coordinated care from multiple physicians who are committed to caring for these specific diseases. Also, it serves as a focal point for research in these diseases, and teaching for medical students and post-graduate trainees.

  • Who are the current team members and what do they focus on?

We are currently composed of 4 physicians (Shifali Arora, Evan Dellon, Ryan Madanick, and Nick Shaheen) and 2 mid-level providers (Kathleen Ferrell and Melissa Spacek). We care for all forms of esophageal disease. We have special clinical and research interests in GERD, Barrett’s esophagus, esophageal cancer, eosinophilic esophagitis, and esophageal motility disorders. We are supported by 2 wonderful administrative assistants (Amanda Horton and Sheila Meadows).

  • What services do you offer?

We offer a full array of services for the diagnosis and management of esophageal diseases. This includes expert consultation, and longitudinal clinical care. We perform high resolution impedance manometry, 24 hour impedance-pH testing, and a full array of endoscopic interventions for esophageal cancer and precancerous conditions of the esophagus.

  • How is care integrated with surgeons and speech/swallow?

Patients who need a surgical evaluation can often get it on the same day that they see a medicine doctor. For selected clinics throughout the year, we have speech pathologists on site to provide studies on the same day of the visit.

  • Can you tell us more about ongoing research programs?

CEDAS has a substantial research arm, with 8 fulltime study personnel and over 50 clinical trials in various stages at any given time. These studies enroll patients with problems as simple as mild GERD to conditions as complex as advanced esophageal cancer. We have intervention trials for benign and malignant diseases, with multiple trials in Barrett’s esophagus and eosinophilic esophagitis.

  • What if patients are interested in clinical trials?

Patients wishing to know more about our clinical trials can read all about them at This site has information about the types of patients we are enrolling in each study and how to get in contact with us regarding participation.

To learn more about our UNC Gastroenterology’s clinical services, please click here.