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Dr. Jonas is Associate Professor of Medicine and Section Chief for Research in the Division of General Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology.

Dan Jonas, MD, MPH

What is your clinical expertise?

General internal medicine, primary care, prevention, unhealthy alcohol use

Tell us about your current role in the Department of Medicine.

I am an Associate Professor and Section Chief for Research in the Division of General Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology. I am also Co-Director of the RTI-UNC Evidence-based Practice Center, Director of the Program on Medical Practice and Prevention in the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, and Associate Director of the NRSA Primary Care Research Fellowship.

What current project or initiative at UNC are you involved in that you are excited about?

With funding from the Institute for Healthcare Quality Improvement, we are beginning a project to implement a systematic approach to screening and interventions for unhealthy alcohol use. Our project aims to fill quality gaps in the delivery of unhealthy alcohol use screening and subsequent interventions at UNC by: (1) implementing and testing a validated, systematic approach to screening in the General Internal Medicine Clinic; (2) training (or re-training) resident and faculty providers in evidence-based screening and counseling for unhealthy alcohol use, and using quality improvement cycles to develop a visit-based approach to facilitate screening and appropriate interventions and referrals; and, (3) developing a registry of those with positive screens to facilitate tracking patients over time and to optimize uptake and delivery of potentially beneficial interventions.

Where is an interesting place you have traveled?

To the top of Half Dome at Yosemite