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Dr. Dostou is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism and is the Director of the Endocrinology Fellowship Program.

Jean Dostou, MD

What is your clinical expertise?


What is your current role in the Department of Medicine?

I am Director of the Endocrinology Fellowship Training Program and teach trainees (medical students, residents, endocrinology fellows) on a variety of levels within the UNC School of Medicine. As part of the clinical research team of the UNC Diabetes Care Center at Meadowmont, I have led trials in diabetes prevention (NAVIGATOR trial), immunotherapy (DEFEND trial), cardiovascular assessment (DIAD study), and various novel treatments for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

I also see patients with various endocrine disorders at our Meadowmont clinic, in particular those who have diabetes.

What current project or initiative at UNC are you involved in that you are excited about?

I am excited about developing our fellowship program to the highest standard and always considering ways to improve that based on feedback from our trainees, my colleagues, and across disciplines.

Where is an interesting place you’ve traveled?

Perhaps most interesting was to Jerusalem to attend a scientific meeting, but which allowed much personal travel to historic sites in Jordan and throughout Israel.

View Dr. Dostou’s profile.